postings from the Keystone State Education Coalition now reach more than 1900
Pennsylvania education policymakers – school directors, administrators,
legislators, legislative and congressional staffers, PTO/PTA officers, parent
advocates, teacher leaders, education professors, members of the press and a
broad array of P-16 regulatory agencies, professional associations and education
advocacy organizations via emails, website, Facebook and Twitter.
The Keystone State Education Coalition is
pleased to be listed among the friends and allies of The Network for Public
Education. Are you a
These daily
emails are archived at http://keystonestateeducationcoalition.org
Follow us on Twitter at @lfeinberg
The Pennsylvania
School Funding Campaign will
hold a press conference in the Capitol Rotunda at 10:00 a.m.
on April 30 to let the legislators and the
Governor know that they should prioritize
support for public education in the 2013-2014 state budget and make a
commitment to restore the nearly $900 million of cuts in state support for K-12
education during the next three years.
A bunch more on the Common Core…..
“We haven’t had a meeting of substance on the budget yet and it’s almost
May,” Scarnati said. He noted such a meeting is past due compared to prior
frustrated by the fixation on liquor privatization instead of the state budget
By Jan Murphy | jmurphy@pennlive.com
on April 29, 2013
at 3:44 PM
It’s two months and a day away
from the June 30 deadline for getting an on-time state budget as so many
lawmakers and Gov. Tom Corbett pledged to do.
But revenue growth has slowed.
And Corbett’s 2013-14 budget proposal of $28.4 billion could be rendered out of
balance as a result. That is even without adding in the legislative priorities
that annually get restored during the budget negotiations. Barring a sudden spurt of revenue growth,
lawmakers could face some difficult decisions in bringing that spending plan
into balance.
But all people seem to want to
talk about is liquor privatization, a frustrated
Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson County ,
told the Pennsylvania Press Club luncheon crowd today. And that’s not the only meaty issue that
Corbett has put on the Legislature’s plate that he wants done by June 30. He
also wants a transportation funding plan and pension reform enacted as well.
Dems beat Corbett in new Quinnipiac poll: Monday Morning Coffee
By John L. Micek | jmicek@pennlive.com
on April 29, 2013
at 7:56 AM
Monday Morning, Fellow Seekers.
The gray skies and unremitting rain today set a pretty appropriate note for the start ofGov. Tom Corbett's morning, which brings with it nothing but bad news from a new Qunnipiac University poll. That's because the incumbent Republican comes out at the wrong end of head-to-head matches from each of the three leading Democrats looking to challenge him in 2014. They all lead him by margins of 9 percentage points or more.
The gray skies and unremitting rain today set a pretty appropriate note for the start ofGov. Tom Corbett's morning, which brings with it nothing but bad news from a new Qunnipiac University poll. That's because the incumbent Republican comes out at the wrong end of head-to-head matches from each of the three leading Democrats looking to challenge him in 2014. They all lead him by margins of 9 percentage points or more.
School District financial recovery plan: Raise taxes, sell buildings,
restructure schools
By Emily Previti | epreviti@pennlive.com
on April 27, 2013
at 12:31 AM
HARRISBURG — The tax increase,
salary cuts and continued annual $20 million debt payments suggested to avert
financial ruin for the capital city’s public school system sounded good to,
well, close to no one, judging by the community’s response Friday night.
More than an hour of questions,
pleas, crying, shouting and heckling were heard from some of the 100 or so
people who attended Harrisburg School District Chief Recovery Officer Gene
Veno’s presentation of the financial recovery plan.
Why the School
District of Lancaster
is financially thriving when similar districts in Pennsylvania are failing
Lancaster Online By BRIAN
WALLACE Staff Writer bwallace@lnpnews.com Apr 28, 2013 06:00
Times are tough for urban
school districts in central Pennsylvania .
Saddled with stagnant tax bases and serving large numbers of low-income and special-needs students, they're struggling to stay afloat in the face of steep cuts in state and federal education funding. ButSchool District
of Lancaster isn't
experiencing the economic woes of its neighbors.
Saddled with stagnant tax bases and serving large numbers of low-income and special-needs students, they're struggling to stay afloat in the face of steep cuts in state and federal education funding. But
DN Editorial: Disenfranchised: State needs
to support crucial business tax
Daily News Editorial POSTED: Monday, April 29, 2013 , 3:01 AM
WE ALL KNOW the school district
is in bad shape. But it could actually get worse, because Gov. Corbett's
assumptions about revenue coming into the state have not panned out. That could
jeopardize the $120 million in state aid the schools are counting on to help
fill its own $300 million hole. Unlike
the schools, though, the state has an easy fix for the revenue shortfall -
though whether it is willing to act is another story.
Corbett assumed a $250 million
budget surplus that has not materialized. It is too early to tell for sure,
since there are still three months of revenue to come, but it could dwindle to
$50 million.
Corbett also counted on $175
million savings in state-pension payments based on the notion that the
Legislature would approve changes he wants to make in the state employee and
teacher pensions plans. So far, his proposals landed with a thud in Harrisburg , and
legislators are wary about tampering with the existing pension-benefit
packages. That means the $175 million may go poof. There is a relatively painless way, though,
to add money to the pot either with additional subsidies or a partial return to
the aid the state once gave districts with charter schools.
Hite to Philly City
Council: $60M would simply fill a hole
Graham and Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman, Inquirer
Staff Writer
POSTED: Monday,
April 29, 2013 ,
10:47 AM
Schools Superintendent William
R. Hite Jr. presented to Council today the "cold, harsh scenarios"
facing the district unless the city and state contribute $180 million in new
money and the teachers' union agrees to enough concessions to cover a $304
million budget shortfall. He said the
district would have to ax such fundamentals as athletics, guidance counselors,
librarians and summer programs. He noted that he was asking for funds to fill
"a hole, a gap."
"They will not allow us to
provide the education that our young Philadelphians deserve," he said.
"It will not allow us to fully invest in our teachers and principals, and
improve their working conditions."
Opinion by Senator Anthony Hardy Williams Monday, April 29, 2013 , 3:01 AM
The School District of Philadelphia
is tipping toward the brink of absolute collapse. That's reality.
Yet that hasn't jostled most of
us from our assumptions about the district's budgeting process as a Chicken
Little-style extortion attempt that will feature a miraculous recovery. That's
unconscionable. Still, the respective corners
- City Hall, Harrisburg ,
and the union halls - remain as ideologically entrenched as ever. But we all
will bear responsibility if the district goes belly up.
Philly: The big budget book: 10 things to
The notebook by Paul
Socolar on Apr
29 2013 Posted in Latest news
With City Council convening
Monday morning for its annual hearings on the School District and its finances,
at least a few journalists and local activists spent part of the beautiful
spring weekend preparing by trying to make sense of the District’s
just-released 350-page “consolidated
budget” for the coming year. It’s
dense and dry, but the document does give a detailed picture of what the
District looks like now and what’s ahead. A somewhat easier read is the
District's "budget
in brief," but that got posted online too late on Sunday to be
Under the microscope: How special education
is funded in Pennsylvania
Intelligencer Journal Lancaster New Era
Writer bwallace@lnpnews.com Apr 28, 2013
Local school officials say
they're pleased the state is taking a closer look at special-education funding,
but they are leery about whether a new bill signed by Gov. Tom Corbett will
produce results. Corbett last week
signed into law House Bill 2, which will create a commission to recommend a new
formula for distributing special-education funds to Pennsylvania 's 500 school districts. The funds currently are distributed based on
16 percent of students in each school district requiring specialized
instruction. Funding based on that formula has been essentially frozen for the
past six years.
Two Steps Forward, One Back
Yinzercation Blog April 29, 2013
This is how you make progress.
One step at a time. Last week, we saw two steps forward, and one giant step
back for public education. The good news first:
On Thursday, Governor Corbett
signed a much-needed new law that will help to fix the state’s special
education funding formula. Sponsored by Republicans Rep. Bernie O’Neill and
Sen. Pat Browne with strong bi-partisan support in both the House and
Senate, House
Bill 2 creates a new commission that will develop a formula taking
into account actual numbers of special education students and their needs.
Rhonda Brownstein, Executive Director of the Education Law
Center , called the
legislation “historic.” [Education
Law Center, 4-26-13 ]
Pa. secretary of education takes tour of
Springfield School District
SUSAN L. SERBIN Times Correspondent Tuesday, April 30, 2013
SPRINGFIELD — When Pennsylvania
Department of Education Secretary Ron Tomalis met with Delaware County
superintendents recently, Springfield’s James Capolupo issued an invitation.
“Come toSpringfield .
We have a story to tell,” Capolupo said.
Tomalis spent several hours in the school district to hear about success on several levels, achieved by a unified effort of administration, staff, students and the overall school community.
The Springfield School Board room held a gathering of federal, state and local officials, including U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan, R-7, of Upper Darby, state Rep. Bill Adolph, R-165, of Springfield, township commissioners President Jeff Rudolph, Delaware County Community College President Jerry Parker, and several other school board members.
“Come to
Tomalis spent several hours in the school district to hear about success on several levels, achieved by a unified effort of administration, staff, students and the overall school community.
The Springfield School Board room held a gathering of federal, state and local officials, including U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan, R-7, of Upper Darby, state Rep. Bill Adolph, R-165, of Springfield, township commissioners President Jeff Rudolph, Delaware County Community College President Jerry Parker, and several other school board members.
Per-student pre-K spending lowest in decade
Times By Philip Elliott Associated Press Published: Monday, April 29, 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) — State funding
for pre-kindergarten programs had its largest drop ever last year and states
are now spending less per child than they did a decade ago, according to a
report released Monday. The report also
found that more than a half million of those preschool students are in programs
that don't even meet standards suggested by industry experts that would qualify
for federal dollars. Those findings —
combined with Congress' reluctance to spend new dollars — complicate President
Barack Obama's effort to expand pre-K programs across the country.
Here’s the link to more info on
the report covered in the above article….
The State
of Preschool 2012
NIEER - The National Institute
for Early Education Research
The 2012 State
Preschool Yearbook is the newest edition of our annual report
profiling state-funded prekindergarten programs in the United States .
This latest Yearbook presents data on state-funded
prekindergarten during the 2011-2012 school year as well as documenting a
decade of progress since the first Yearbook collected data on
the 2001-2002 school year. Tracking trends long term is key to understanding
the progress of early childhood education across the country and improving
educational opportunities for America ’s
Twenty-eight percent of America ’s
4-year-olds were enrolled in a state-funded preschool program in the 2011-2012
school year, the same percentage as the year before. This stagnation in
enrollment growth was compounded by an unprecedented funding drop of $500
million nationwide. The findings in this Yearbook raise
serious concerns on the quality and availability of pre-K education for most of
American young learners.
Report: The
State of Preschool 2012
The National Institute for
Early Education Research – Rutgers
Graduate School
of Education
The PA Senate Education
Committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the Common Core on
Wednesday, May
15, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 1, North Office
Building . Several pieces follow with varying
perspectives on the Common Core.
If anyone can tell me how
diverting resources to address the Common Core will help students in our
struggling urban districts – I’m all ears; please enlighten me……..
The Common Core Standards: Truths, Untruths
and Ambiguities
Post by Patte Barth
Director, Center for Public Education 04/25/2013 5:58 pm
Educators in 46 states and DC
are deep in the process of implementing new "common core"
standards into their classrooms. But an emerging anti-core backlash
may render their efforts moot in several states. For readers who may not know, the common core
state standards are intended to define the knowledge and skills in English
language arts (ELA) and math that high school graduates will need for success
in college and 21st century jobs. The standards were drafted by associations
representing the nation's
governors andstate
education chiefs through a process involving experts and stakeholders
and included a two-part public review. They have been endorsed by business leaders, teachers unions, and a bipartisan array of policymakers
including President Obama and Jeb Bush. Within two years of their finalization,
they were voluntarily adopted by all but four states.
Despite their high-profile
supporters, not everyone is feeling the common core love and a handful of early
adopting states are experiencing second thoughts.
Bill to 'Pause' Common Core in Indiana Heads to
Opponents of the Common Core
State Standards have scored a significant victory—an Indiana bill that would slow down
implementation of the standards pending a series of public hearings this summer
has been approved by the state legislature. The bill now heads to the desk of
Gov. Mike Pence, a Republican, for his signature.
Growing corps anti-Common Core
Naysayers seek to nullify new nationwide education standard
Cinncinnati.com by Denise Smith
Amos Apr. 28,
2013 6:46 PM
New Common Core reading and
math standards are heading to a classroom near you. And trailing along is a
growing chorus of critics and skeptics. These
opponents are hosting public forums, organizing phone trees and emailing
elected officials. They’re texting and tweeting and signing Internet petitions.
And they’re having some impact:
Jeb Bush:
Students need challenge of Common Core standards
Despite bold reforms and
critical progress made by governors such as Ohio ’s
John Kasich, America ’s
education system remains in a state of crisis. That is the staggering, painful
reality, backed by statistic after statistic, that should concern every single
individual concerned about the future of our country’s economy and national
security and the quality of life our children and grandchildren will enjoy. For decades, the entrenched establishment,
which dominated K-12 public education for far too long, enabled a status quo
that dumbed down expectations for students — even as government spending on
schools increased exponentially year by year. As a result, American students
are falling further and further behind their peers in countries across the
world as they languish in classrooms with mediocre standards and minimal
join common cause to block latest school reform
The Washington Times By Deborah Simmons
Sunday, April 28,
Secretary Arne Duncan would
be a very wise man if he started paying close attention to the sticks being
poked in the eyes of the Obama administration regarding
those one-size-fits-all Common Core State Standards. Not all states and localities bought into his
“absolute game changer” claim — and for absolutely good reasons, including a
“very large, very permanent federal footprint.”
Common Core was and is being sold as a set of academic standards that
would improve teaching and learning and better prepare young people for college
and careers.

“There are very legitimate reasons for very reasonable Americans,
conservative and liberal, progressive and libertarian, to be concerned about
increasing top-down control of Education.”
Paul Horton: Of Common Core, Conspiracies
and Coups d'Etat
Education Week Living in
Dialogue Blog By Anthony Cody on April
26, 2013 12:00 AM
post by Paul Horton.
To those defending the Obama
administration's Race To the Top and Common Core Curriculum initiatives,
opponents tend to be placed in one very tidy box: "conspiracy
Long a critic of overzealous
federal intervention in education, Chester Finn, President of the Thomas B.
Fordham Institute that promotes educational excellence and supports the
president's education agenda, charged opponents of these initiatives as
conspiracy theorists and flippantly suggestedthat the
United Nations might be behind the Common Core as a part of its efforts,
apparently, to create a one world government .
As if taking his cue from Finn,
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, has recently made similar accusations in
a Department of Education Press release:
"The idea that the Common Core Standards are nationally imposed is a
conspiracy theory in search of a conspiracy."
“While improved reading skills would lower the need for remedial classes
in college, there is no evidence that giving elementary students more difficult
tests will make them better readers. Giving students access to excellent
literacy-rich pre-school
experiences and intensive, research-based
reading programs in the first years of schooling, on the other hand, will.”
Have standardized tests really helped kids
learn more?
An award-winning principal looks at the growing resistance to
standardized testing in NEw York
and beyond. This was written byCarol
Burris, principal of South Side High School
in New York .
She was named 2013 High School Principal of the Year by the School
Administrators Association of New York and the National Association of Secondary
School Principals, and the 2010 New York State Outstanding Educator by the
School Administrators Association of New York. She is one of the
co-authors of
the principals’ letter against evaluating teachers by student test
scores, which has been signed by 1,535 New
York principals.
By Carol Burris
How have New York parents greeted the new Common
Core-aligned tests that were just given to their children? With
skepticism, doubt, and in some cases, outright resistance.
This year, ‘opt out’ parent
groups popped up across the Empire
State . Long Island
Opt Out did not exist a month ago; now its Facebook group has nearly
9,000 members, among them many who told their children to say “thanks but no
thanks” to the recent Common Core exams. During the first days of testing, 135
students at the Icabod Crane Elementary and Middle School opted out—by the end
of testing, the number exceeded
200. Twenty percent of Grade 3-8 students in
the Rockville Centre School District did not take the exams, while a
school board member in Rochester announced that her child would
not be tested. Local school boards are passing resolutions
of concern regarding high stakes testing, and the Niagara Regional PTA
submitted an anti-testing
resolution to the New York State PTA.
Oddly, however, there appears
to be little interest by the press in investigating why this
growing rebellion is occurring. Instead, New York editorial boards from the
conservative New York Post to the liberal New York Times echo the argument that
tougher testing is a public good.
LETTER: ‘No Child Left Behind’ cheating
children in public education system
Delco Times Letter to the
Editor by Joseph Batory Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Joseph Batory is former Superintendent of the Upper Darby School District
During the past 13 years, since
the adoption of the No Child Left Behind legislation, elected officials at
state and national levels have relentlessly argued that standardized test score
results are the keys to improvement for American education. And this political
pressure has crumbled the educational resistance from far too many school
districts which have now bought into testing preparation rituals and teaching
to the test as the number one priorities for public education.
PSBA Bylaws amendment proposals due May 15
website 2/15/2013
As stated in Article XII,
proposals for amending the PSBA Bylaws must be submitted "in writing,
mailed first class and postmarked or marked received at PSBA headquarters prior
to May 15 of each year." Proposals
should be addressed to the Bylaws Committee Chair or the Executive Director and
sent to PSBA headquarters by the May 15, 2013, deadline.
The procedures for submitting
proposed bylaws changes are outlined in Article XII and can be found online atwww.psba.org/about/psba/2013_psba_bylaws.pdf.
Search underway for PSBA Executive Director
The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA)
is a nonprofit statewide association of public school boards, pledged to the
highest ideals of local lay leadership for the public schools of the
commonwealth. Founded in 1895, PSBA has a rich history as the first
school boards' association established in the United States . Pennsylvania 's 4,500 school directors become
members by virtue of election to their local board -- the board joins as a
whole. Membership in PSBA is by school district or other eligible local
education agency such as intermediate unit, vocational school or community
by Diversified Search, 1990 M St NW, Suite 570 , Washington , DC .
Questions may be directed to PSBA@divsearch.com. Interested
parties should email their resume and cover letter to PSBA@divsearch.com.
Please apply by June 1, 2013 for
best consideration.
Superintendents, Business Managers, School
Board Members, Union Leaders, Any Others interested in PSERS and wanting to
learn more about Pension Reform . . .
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 Registration:
6:30 p.m. Presentation: 7:00 p.m.
Allegheny Intermediate Unit 475 East Waterfront Drive Homestead , PA 15120 McGuffey/Sullivan Rooms
Jeffery B. Clay, Executive
Director for the Pennsylvania Schools Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS)
will present on the topic of pension reform. Mr. Clay’s presentation will
review the increases in retirement contributions and the Governor’s proposal on
pension reform. As one concerned about public education, we are sure that
you will find this meeting enlightening and a valuable investment of your time.
In order to accommodate those
attending and prepare the necessary materials for the meeting, please
register using the following link: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6252177431 by May 7, 2013 .
If you have any questions
regarding the registration process, please contact Janet Galaski at 412.394.5753 or janet.galaski@aiu3.net.
NAACP 2013
Conference on the State of Education in Pennsylvania
A Call for Equitable and
Adequate Funding for Pennsylvania 's
Media Area Branch NAACP Saturday, May 11, 2013 9:00 am – 2:30 pm (8:30 am registration)
Marcus Foster Student Union 2nd
floor, Cheyney University of PA, Delaware County Campus
Information and registration
at: http://www.naacpmediabranch.org/2013_conference.html
Sign Up
Today for PILCOP Special Ed CLE Trainings
Spots are filling up for the
final three trainings in our 2012-2013 Know Your Child’s Rights series with
seminars on ADAAA, Pro Se Parents and Settlement Agreements.
For seminar details and
registration: http://pilcop.org/sign-up-today-for-special-ed-cle-trainings/
Turning the Page for Change
celebration, June
11, 2013
Please join us for the Notebook’s annual Turning the Page for
Change celebration on June 11, 2013 , from 4:30 - 7 p.m. at the University of The Arts , Hamilton Hall, 320 S. Broad Street .
We will be honoring a member of the Notebook community for years of
service to our mission as well as honoring several local high school
journalists. Help us celebrate another year of achievement that included two
awards from the Education Writers Association and coverage of other critical
stories like the budget crisis and the school closing process.
PA Charter Schools: $4 billion taxpayer dollars with no real
Charter schools - public funding without public scrutiny; Proposed
statewide authorization and direct payment would further diminish
accountability and oversight for public tax dollars