Daily postings from the Keystone State Education
Coalition now reach more than 3050 Pennsylvania education policymakers – school
directors, administrators, legislators, legislative and congressional staffers,
Governor's staff, current/former PA Secretaries of Education, PTO/PTA
officers, parent advocates, teacher leaders, education professors, members of
the press and a broad array of P-16 regulatory agencies, professional
associations and education advocacy organizations via emails, website, Facebook
and Twitter
These daily emails are archived and searchable at
Follow us on Twitter at @lfeinberg
The Keystone State Education Coalition is
pleased to be listed among the friends and allies of The Network for Public Education. Are you a member?
What the charter and choice
movement has done is sell the line, 'All you have to do is look out for your
own child.' So escape if you can and leave everyone else behind. Public
education is a civic obligation,"
“(SB1085) turns
taxpayers into cash machines for charter schools…giving unelected charter
operators the power to spend tax dollars without any oversight or controls”
SB1085: Senate bill
causes uproar, could authorize expansion of charter schools in Cumberland County
The Sentinel Newspaper by Christen Croley Sentinel Reporter November 24, 2013
Senate Bill
1085 could authorize the “unprecedented” expansion of charter schools in Cumberland County — and public school advocates
want to know why Midstate officials, including Sen. Pat Vance, R-31, support
it. “I think that Cumberland County
residents would like to know why Sen. Vance is supporting this bill,” said
Susan Spicka, co-founder of Education Matters in Cumberland Valley ,
a public school advocacy group based in Shippensburg. “(It) would create
taxation without representation and a mandate that taxpayers pay for a system
of privately-operated charter schools in addition to the traditional public
schools taxpayers already fund, during a time when they can ill afford to pay
higher property taxes and when our school districts are making unprecedented
cuts in educational opportunities for our children.”
to unshackle the growth in educational opportunity for school children across
the state, the bill contains provisions that turn taxpayers into cash machines
for charter schools who have no financial risk and would be granted relatively
immutable contracts for ten years. Unfortunately, this statement is not
hyperbole. The bill would give charters the sole power to determine how many
students they wish to enroll each year, going so far as making voluntary
enrollment agreements with school districts illegal. The bill then directs the
Pennsylvania Department of Education to directly pay charter schools for each
student enrolled deducting the amount paid to the charter from the home school
district’s budget.”
SB1085: Opinion: From Public Citizens for Children
and Youth
UC Review •
Wed, Nov 20,
Pennsylvania Senate is poised to pass Senate Bill 1085, a charter school bill
that among its far reaching changes would give for-profit companies that
operate colleges or universities the power to authorize new charter schools
across the state. Senate Bill 1085
permits any college or university to authorize a charter. Since only half of
students who enter college graduate after six years, with poor and minority
students dropping out at jaw-dropping rates, it’s hard to see the wisdom of
this approach. Even high quality charters should oppose this legislation
because it will make what is clearly the train wreck of Pennsylvania ’s charter school law—which
already permits the formation and operation of charters that perform worse than
their home school districts-a full-on catastrophe.
SB1085: Reform
movement split in PA over proposed cuts to cyber charter schools
it wins approval, S.B. 1085 would be the first legislation in 16 years to
address regulation of Pennsylvania ’s
174 public charter schools, including 15 cyber charter schools.
By Maura
Pennington | Watchdog.org
opponents have done a superb job of dividing up our movement,” said James Hanak, CEO of PA Leadership Charter School, a cyber
charter based in West Chester .
If it wins
approval, S.B. 1085 would be the first legislation in 16 years to address
regulation of Pennsylvania ’s
174 public charter schools, including 15 cyber charter schools. The state
Senate last week adjourned until December without taking a vote.
SB1085: Legislators,
Educators in Pa.
Embroiled in Charter Debate
Week Charters and Choice Blog By Katie Ash on November 22, 2013 4:32 PM
As state
senators in Pennsylvania debate the passage of
a bill that would change the state's charter school law and educators in Philadelphia navigate a
funding crisis for the city's schools, much media attention is being paid to the
impact of charter schools on local districts there.
The state
Senate Appropriations Committee approved an amended version of the charter
school bill, reports the Patriot-News,
moving it one step closer to being voted on by the senate as a whole. The bill—which has the support of education
reform groups like StudentsFirst Pennsylvania,PennCAN, the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public
Charter Schools, and the Philadelphia Black Alliance for Educational Options—would
allow colleges and universities to become charter school authorizers, extend
charter renewals from five years to ten, and remove enrollment caps on charter
schools. It is opposed by the AFT Pennsylvania as well as
the Education Law Center, which has posted a critique of the bill on its website.
Computer expert details bogus charter school
WOODALL, INQUIRER STAFF WRITER November 26, 2013 , 2:01 AM
The former
business manager of Dorothy June Brown's charter school network admitted in
federal court Monday that he was lying to federal investigators when he told
them the school boards had approved emergency loans to each other. In fact, Anthony Smoot said, he lied over the
course of seven interviews with federal agents.
But Smoot said he was telling the truth on the stand - he had to, he
said, under his plea agreement with prosecutors. He has already pleaded guilty
to obstruction of justice in the $6.7 million charter fraud case and
prosecutors have told him he could be charged with lying to federal agents if
he does not say what really happened.
Opponents say cyber schools fail
Public education advocates cite data
showing students score lower on tests
By Chris Reber Pocono Record Writer November 23, 2013
charter schools are providing Pennsylvania
students with a below average education at above average cost, public education
advocates say. Education Law
Center representatives
last week asked the state Department of Education to deny six new applications
for charter schools.
Thursday, the group explained how it wants more equitable funding and more
transparency from charter schools before they agree to expand the program.
point in general was: we need to stop what we've created with this law,"
said David Lapp, staff attorney with ELC.
Citing data from the group Research for Action, ELC said that cyber
charter students score lower on tests and are more likely to transfer from
school to school, putting them behind their peers. They also cost public school districts
millions — $366 million was spent by local districts on cyber charters last
year, ELC said
“The employer contribution
rate for districts will jump from this year’s 16.9 percent to 21.4 percent next
year. Grell expects that will shake up folks enough to call on their
legislators to act.”
Pension reform likely to be next major issue for
Legislature to tackle
By Jan Murphy | jmurphy@pennlive.com
on November 22,
2013 at 1:07 PM
the historic transportation funding legislation now
out of the way, Rep. Glen Grell, R-Hampden Twp., said he is optimistic the
pension reform issue that has been a top priority for him will finally move
front and center for the Legislature. With
transportation funding out of the way, the deck is cleared for the Legislature
to take on pension reform, said Rep. Glen Grell, who is championing a plan to
address this issue. Giving it a goose,
he said, is a notice sent out to school districts from
the Public School Employees’ Retirement System on Thursday advising them for
budgeting purposes to prepare for the highest-ever employer contribution rate
they ever faced.
Rep. Seth Grove: A plan
for real property tax reform (column)
The cries
of homeowners who feel the burden of property taxes weighing down on them are
not lost on the ears of Harrisburg .
For decades, lawmakers have tried to find a way to eliminate or reduce property
taxes. This year, finally, a bill was passed by the House of Representatives
which answers these cries. This Bill,
which overwhelmingly passed by the House 149-46 is not HB 76, but HB
1189. HB 76, although touted as a
miracle drug for curing the property tax crisis in our state, does not work and
is, in fact, dead. It failed miserably in the House, as it has the previous
three times this concept has been introduced in the General Assembly.
An ACLU report called York City 's
suspension rate the highest in the state.
The York
City School District is working on ways to reduce a high number of
out-of-school suspensions, though the district disputes a report that puts it
at the top of the state in that measure.
The district said its data shows that 1,482 of 5,463 enrolled students
-- or a little over 1 in 4 -- were suspended in 2011-12. But that number has
been declining, and the district has been working on new efforts to continue to
reduce suspensions, according to a news release.
district doesn't want to remove students from class unnecessarily and wants to
provide meaningful educational experiences, the release says. "Those students must be present in our
classrooms in order for that mission to be accomplished," it says.
Childhood poverty has
increased by 30 percent in Delaware
County since 2008
By John Kopp,
Delaware County Daily
Times D: 11/25/13,
12:35 PM EST
More than
21,000 children are living in poverty, a total that equates to 16.7 percent of
all Delaware County children. Nearly half of them are
living in deep poverty — $11,755 annually for a family of four.
Corbett’s PA: Finding
more ways to punish kids
The notebook Posted on November 22, 2013 by HELENGYM
Thursday, the IRRC voted 3-2 to implement mandatory Keystone graduation exams
beginning with this year’s ninth grade class. The exams are end of course
state-level tests which will determine 1) whether you pass the class; and 2)
count toward graduation. A failure to pass the exams could result in our
children not receiving their diplomas and failing schools at early stages of
their high school career. The exams are an unfunded mandate – costing at least
$600 per child for a total ranging anywhere from $65-300 million! – and were
opposed by a majority of Pennsylvania
superintendents. But this was not a decision governed by educational expertise.
Instead it’s a perfect example of the extremist and cold-hearted ideology of
the worst of the Corbett administration, including State Board of Education
member Kirk Hallett, who shrugged off criticism of the exams by saying “That
kid is damned anyway.” Parents United is researching ways for students to opt
out of the Keystone exams. With failure rates of 50% and above for Philadelphia 11th
graders, the implementation of these exams with zero supports is designed to
punish our children and set them up to fail. This was the testimony I turned
into the board before their vote.
No relief in sight for Philly
District’s troubled finances
additional funding has been on a one-time basis, so a gaping budget hole is
likely yet again for next school year.
notebook by Dale Mezzacappa
story will appear in the Notebook's forthcoming print edition focusing on
school funding, due out on Dec. 2.
three months into the school year, the School District of Philadelphia
is still navigating treacherous fiscal waters, having made little progress in
convincing state and city lawmakers to provide financial relief and stability. Faced with a $304 million budget gap for this
fiscal year, the District had sought
$180 million in new revenues from the state and city and $133 million
in labor concessions. As of mid-November, it had received $112 million in
increases from the state and city, but just $17 million of that is in recurring
funds. And it had reached no agreement with its unions. As a result, it is still operating schools
with shrunken staffs, sparse instructional materials, inadequate counseling
services for students, and classes at their contractual maximum.
“The Wall
Street Journal reports that the Thomas B. Fordham Institute estimates the national
cost for compliance with common core will be between $1 billion to $8 billion
and the profits will go almost directly to publishers. According to Peter
Cohen, CEO of Pearson's K-12 division, Pearson School ,
"It's a really big deal. The Common Core standards are affecting literally
every part of the business we're involved in."
The Common Core and the grassy knoll
The Common Core and the grassy knoll
Philly Daily News Attytood Blog by Will Bunch November 25, 2013
Kennedy may have died 50 years ago this week, but something else was born:
The modern conspiracy theory. How could people not watch the shootings not just
of JFK but of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and George Wallace
during such an otherwise tumultuous era -- and not think that it was more than
a coincidence, that it couldn't have just been "a lone nut" in every
case. But like all things, the life span
of the modern conspiracy theory craze is finite...and today it's on life
support. The number of people who don't believe the Warren Commission's central
finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing Kennedy is
beginning to drop.
Why so many parents hate
Common Core
By Diane Ravitch updated 7:52 AM EST, Mon November 25, 2013
- Diane Ravitch: Education
department should not push Common Core standards
- Ravitch: Just 31% of N.Y. students passed because
standards unrealistic
- Ravitch: Teachers are not
prepared to teach them; parents don't like them
- Field-testing should have been
done, she says, not fast implementation
Editor's note: Diane Ravitch is research professor of
education at New York
University and a
historian of education. She is the author of more than a dozen books about
education, including the recent bestseller "Reign of Error: The Hoax of
the Privatization Movement and The Danger to America's Public Schools."
(CNN) -- The
U.S. Department of Education is legally prohibited from having any control over
curriculum or instruction in the nation's public schools, but nonetheless
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is a zealous advocate of the new Common Core standards for
students' proficiency in English and math.
First, he said their critics were members of extremist groups, and he
recently assailed the parents who criticize them as "white suburban moms
who — all of a sudden — their child isn't as brilliant as they thought they
were, and their school isn't quite as good as they thought they were."
What Happens When Great Teachers Get $20,000 to Work
in Low-Income Schools?
Slate By Dana Goldstein
November 2013
merit pay. It’s one of those perennially popular policy ideas that,
historically, hasn’t worked very well.
A few years
ago, New York City
offered teachers in select schools $3,000 if the entire school’s test scores
went up. But scores at the merit pay schools did not improve any faster than scores at control
schools. (In some of the merit-pay schools, scores actually went down.) In Nashville , teachers who
volunteered for a merit pay experiment were eligible for $5,000 to $15,000 in
bonuses if kids learned more. Students of those teachers performed no better on tests than students in a
control group. And inChicago, teachers were paid more if they mentored their
colleagues and produced learning gains for kids. Again, students of the
merit-pay teachers performed no better than other kids. That’s why the results of a new
study, the Talent Transfer Initiative, financed by the federal government
are so important. Surprisingly, this experiment found merit pay can work.
Art Makes You Smart
Nw York Times Opinion By BRIAN
KISIDA, JAY P. GREENE and DANIEL H. BOWEN November 23, 2013
FOR many
education advocates, the arts are a panacea: They supposedly increase test
scores, generate social responsibility and turn around failing schools. Most of
the supporting evidence, though, does little more than establish correlations
between exposure to the arts and certain outcomes. Research that demonstrates a
causal relationship has been virtually nonexistent.
A few years
ago, however, we had a rare opportunity to explore such relationships when
the Crystal Bridges Museum of
American Artopened in Bentonville ,
Ark. Through a large-scale,
random-assignment study of school tours to the museum, we were able to
determine that strong causal relationships do in fact exist between arts
education and a range of desirable outcomes.
who, by lottery, were selected to visit the museum on a field trip demonstrated
stronger critical thinking skills, displayed higher levels of social tolerance,
exhibited greater historical empathy and developed a taste for art museums and
cultural institutions.
NPE National Conference
The Network for Public Education November 24, 2013
The Network for Public
Education is pleased to announce our first National Conference. The event will
take place on March 1 & 2, 2014 (the weekend prior to the world-famous
South by Southwest Festival) at The University of Texas at Austin .
At the NPE National Conference 2014, there will be panel discussions,
workshops, and a keynote address by Diane Ravitch. NPE Board members –
including Anthony Cody, Leonie Haimson, and Julian Vasquez Heilig – will lead
discussions along with some of the important voices of our movement.
In the coming weeks, we
will release more details. In the meantime, make your travel plans and click
this link and submit your email address to receive updates about the NPE
National Conference 2014.
PCCY’s Public Education County Reports
Public Citizens for Children and Youth November
Congratulations! Getting elected to the school
board was the easy part…..
PSBA New Board Member Training: Great Governance, Great Schools !
November 2013-April 2014
Online »
Form »
November 2013-April 2014


Announcing School
Board Academy ’s
New Board Member Training: Great Governance, Great Schools !
You will need a wealth of information quickly as
you jump out of the starting block and hit the ground running as a newly
elected member of the board of school directors. New board members, as well as
veterans who might like a refresher, will want to make the most of the
opportunity to attend PSBA's New Board Member Training Program: Great
Governance, Great
Schools ! .
EPLC is recruiting current undergraduate or graduate students
to serve as part-time interns
EPLC is recruiting current undergraduate
or graduate students to serve as part-time interns beginning January
or May of 2014 in the downtown Harrisburg
offices. One intern will support education policy work including the Pennsylvania School Funding Campaign. The second
intern position will support the work of the Pennsylvania Arts Education Network. Ideal
candidates have an interest/course work in political science/public policy,
social studies, the arts or education and also have strong research,
communications, and critical thinking skills. The internship is unpaid, but
free parking is available. Weekly hours of the internship are negotiable. To
apply or to suggest a candidate, please email Mattie Robinson for
further information at robinson@eplc.org.
The Last Waltz Philly benefit for Philadelphia School
Children at the Trocadero on Saturday, November 30th
WXPN The Key November 5, 2013 | 12:25 PM | By Bruce Warren
On Saturday, November 30th the Trocadero Theatre hosts The Last Waltz Philly, a benefit
for Philadelphia
school children. Producers of the event Fergus Carey (owner of Fergie’s, Monk’s
Cafe, Belgian Cafe and Grace Tavern), Bryan
Dilworth (of Bonfire Booking), singer-songwriter Andrew Lipke, and musician and
producer Kevin Hanson. The Last Waltz, a concert by rock group The Band and featuring numerous
guest musicians including Neil Young, Muddy Waters, Van Morrison, Joni
Mitchell, Dr. John, Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond and others, was held on
Thanksgiving in 1976. The Last Waltz Philly will celebrate the music of The
Band’s farewell show all for an excellent cause.
Proceeds will benefit four Philadelphia
organizations that focus on education: Parents United for
Public Education, the Passyunk Square Civic
Association Education Committee, theFriends of Horatio B. Hackett School and the School District of Philadelphia’s Music
Education Instrument Repair Program.
The National School Boards Association 74th Annual
Conference & Exposition April 5-7, 2014 New Orleans
The National School Boards Association 74th Annual
Conference & Exposition will be held at the Ernest
N. Morial
Convention Center in New Orleans , LA. Our
first time back in New Orleans
since the spring of 2002!
Session speakers include education advocates
Thomas L. Friedman, Sir Ken Robinson, as well as education innovators Nikhil
Goyal and Angela Maiers.
We have more than 200 sessions planned!
Colleagues from across the country will present workshops on key topics with
strategies and ideas to help your district. View our Conference
Brochure for highlights on sessions and
focus presentations.
now! – Register for both the conference and housing using our online
Information– Visit the NSBA conference website for up-to-date information
List and Map - Official NSBA Housing Block
Campus – View new products and services and interactive
trade show floor
Join the National
School Boards
Action Center
Friends of Public Education
Participate in a voluntary network to urge your U.S. Representatives and Senators to support
federal legislation on Capitol Hill that is critical to providing high quality
education to America ’s
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