
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

NCLB Worsened Education, 48% Of Americans 'Very Familiar' With The Law Say In Gallup Poll

“Only public schools, operated by school districts with elected school boards are open to all children and fully accountable to all taxpayers.”
Baruch Kintisch, Director of Policy Advocacy, Education Law Center, in testimony before the PA House Democratic Policy Committee, July 17, 2012

Daily postings from the Keystone State Education Coalition now reach more than 1600 Pennsylvania education policymakers – school directors, administrators, legislators, legislative and congressional staffers, members of the press and a broad array of education advocacy organizations via emails, website, Facebook and Twitter.

These daily emails are archived at
Follow us on Twitter at @lfeinberg

Posted: Wed, Aug. 22, 2012, 5:56 AM
Philly Catholic high schools to be managed by a private foundation
By Kristen A. Graham and David O'Reilly Inquirer Staff Writers
The oldest and largest Roman Catholic education system in the nation is about to undergo massive organizational changes, as the Archdiocese of Philadelphia hands over management of its secondary and special-education schools to a private foundation.
The recently incorporated Faith in the Future Foundation, headed by former Cigna chief executive H. Edward Hanway, aims to not only maintain but also grow an archdiocesan school system hit hard by declining enrollments, deficits, and closings.
Beginning Sept. 1, the foundation will manage 17 high schools and four special-education schools, under the five-year agreement signed Tuesday by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.
The blockbuster move, affecting about 16,000 students, will create the first independently run Catholic school system in the country, the National Catholic Education Association confirmed.

EITC 2.0: State 'opportunity scholarships' for private schools not likely to kick in this year
by thenotebook on Aug 21 2012 By Bill Hangley, Jr.
A new state scholarship program can benefit Philadelphia students who live near struggling schools, but it isn’t likely to have a big impact in the coming school year.  Program officials and local scholarship organizations say that they hope that by this time next year, the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) will be running as smoothly as a similar, more broad-based program, the Educational Investment Tax Credit (EITC) program.

Labeling schools "low achieving" doesn't fix the problems

Patriot-News Op-Ed BY DON BELL Published: Saturday, August 18, 2012, 12:53 AM
DON BELL is superintendent at Northern Lebanon School District
Recently, the Pennsylvania Department of Education released a listing of what it determined were “low-achieving” schools in the commonwealth. The list was supposedly created by compiling all 2011 public school PSSA math and reading scores and then ranking every school in Pennsylvania, with the lowest 15 percent of the schools as “low achieving.” 

Think June 30th in Harrisburg is fun?  Then you’ll probably enjoy New Years in DC this year.  Sequestration scuttlebutt we’re hearing is that congressional staffers are already on notice not to plan on any vacation time at the end of the year…..

Sequestration: U.S. Soldiers' Children Already Feeling Pain Of Budget Cuts

Huffington Post Reuters By Richard Cowan Posted: 08/20/2012 1:00 am
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) - Amid all the hand-wringing in the U.S. Congress over January 2 spending cuts that would wallop military and domestic programs, children of American soldiers already are feeling the pinch of a budget mess.  Feuding Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress may think that they have about four months to find a smarter alternative to the blunt trauma of $109 billion in across-the-board spending cuts in January and $1.2 trillion over 10 years.
What many lawmakers may not realize is that because of their inability to compromise on a replacement for this budget axe - and because of a quirk in the way the U.S. Department of Education allocates funds to schools heavily populated by military kids - the pain already is palpable.

No Child Left Behind Worsened Education, 48 Percent Of Americans 'Very Familiar' With The Law Say In Gallup Poll

Posted: 08/21/2012 5:18 pm Updated: 08/21/2012 5:18 pm
More Americans think No Child Left Behind has made education in the U.S. worse rather than better, according to results from a Gallup poll released Monday.
Of those surveyed, 29 percent believe the Bush-era education law has worsened education in America, compared with just 16 percent who said it has improved the system. Another 38 percent said NCLB hasn't made much of a difference, while 17 percent are not familiar enough with the policy to rate its effectiveness. Of those who say they are "very familiar" with the law, 28 percent say it has made education better and 48 percent worse.

"I'm going to expand parental choice in an unprecedented way," Mr. Romney said in May
Obama Assails Romney on Education Policy
Wall Street Journal By LAURA MECKLER August 21, 2012, 3:55 p.m. ET
…..For elementary and secondary students, Mr. Romney has emphasized school choice, saying he would create a voucher-like program that would let low-income and special-education students use federal money for private-school tuition or private tutoring.  That would transform federal programs that now direct some $30 billion in funding directly to the public schools these students attend.  "I'm going to expand parental choice in an unprecedented way," Mr. Romney said in May

Five Questions For ... National School Boards Association's Lucy Gettman, on Districts Entering Race To The Top

National Education Writers Association Ed Media Commons Posted by Emily Richmond on August 17, 2012
The latest round of the Race To The Top grant program will allow school districts for the first time to apply directly for a share of $400 million in federal funds, rather than requiring the dollars to be funneled through state education departments. The application process is raising challenges – and questions – for many of the nation’s school districts, as they scramble to comply with the rigorous application requirements. EWA spoke with Lucy Gettman, director of federal programs for the National School Boards Association, about the challenges ahead for some of the organization’s 13,500 member districts.

Connections Between Teach for America and Parent Trigger
Huffington Post by Shaun Johnson Teacher educator and former elementary teacher
Posted: 08/21/2012 2:51 pm
A new fantasy film is on the horizon pushing "legitimate" education reform: Won't Back Down. Activist Leonie Haimson recently published a helpful list of FAQs on this film to get the reader started. But I'm going to take a closer look at the troubling connections between the film and the much-admired organization Teach for America (TFA).
TFA is ubiquitous. Everyone and their brother falls over each other to hand them money. In fact, The Walton Foundation (aka Wal-Mart) provided TFA with a hefty grant of $16.6 million in just 2010 alone. 

Bios of candidates slated for 2013 PSBA offices 8/15/2012
At its May 19 meeting at PSBA Conference Center, the PSBA Nominating Committee interviewed and selected a slate of candidates for officers of the association in 2013.

Upcoming PSBA Professional Development Opportunities
To register or to learn more about PSBA professional development programs please visit:

2012 PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference Oct. 16-19, 2012
Registration is Now Open!  Hershey Lodge & Convention Center, Hershey, PA

EPLC’s 2012 Arts and Education Symposium: Save the Date, Thursday, October 11

Education Policy and Leadership Center

Please mark your calendars and plan on joining EPLC, our partners, and guests on October 11 in Harrisburg for a full day of events.  Stay tuned to for information about our 2nd Arts and Education Symposium.  Scholarships and Act 48 Credit will be available.  Outstanding speakers and panelists from Pennsylvania and beyond will once again come together to address key topics in the arts and arts education and related public policy advocacy initiatives.  This is a networking and learning opportunity not to be missed!

NSBA Federal Relations Network seeking new members for 2013-14
School directors are invited to advocate for public education at the federal level through the National School Boards Association’s Federal Relations Network. The National School Boards Association is seeking school directors interested in serving on the Federal Relations Network (FRN), its grass roots advocacy program that brings local board members on the front line of pending issues before Congress. If you are a school director and willing to carry the public education message to Washington, D.C., FRN membership is a good place to start. 
Click here for more information.

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