
Sunday, August 5, 2012

EITC 2.0: Here’s your $50 million voucher program for the 2012-2013 school year Pennsylvania.

EITC 2.0: Here’s your $50 million voucher program for the 2012-2013 school year Pennsylvania.

Funny thing, when State Rep. Jim Christiana was speaking before the House Education Committee urging passage of the “Opportunity Scholarship” program a month ago he insisted that these were not tax dollars….

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development
List of Opportunity Scholarship Organizations
Effective 07/01/2012 - 06/30/2013
Published 8/3/2012

ACSI Children's Tuition Fund
Association of Christian Schools International
845 Silver Spring Plaza
Suite B
Lancaster, PA  17582
Contact:  David Hegedus

From this website: “Bethlehem Catholic High School encourages all businesses to explore this great opportunity to turn state tax dollars into scholarships for our students.”
Eastern Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation - Diocese of Allentown
P.O. Box F
Allentown, PA  18105
Contact:  Barbara Ann Shotwell

From this website: “A Better Use for Your State Tax Dollars…
Wouldn’t you love to divert your state taxes to a really good cause that would benefit quality, cost effective Catholic schools in your community.”
Scholastic Opportunity Scholarship Fund – Diocese of Pittsburgh
111 Boulevard of the Allies
Pittsburgh, PA  15222
Contact:  Ronald Bowes

If Ron Bowes name sounds familiar to you it might be due to that letter he penned to parochial school parents last year urging them to lobby for vouchers….
Pittsburgh Diocese: Blurring the lines between church and state?
Lobby for school vouchers or lose your financial aid.
That was the essence of a memo to school principals in the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh last month.

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