
Thursday, August 23, 2012

BACK TO SCHOOL 2012 - WALMART: Save More, Live Better, Eradicate Public Education: 159,049,864 reasons to shop someplace else.

BACK TO SCHOOL 2012 - WALMART: Save More, Live Better, Eradicate Public Education: 159,049,864 reasons to shop someplace else. 

Walmart Heirs Worth Same Amount As Bottom 40 Percent Of Americans In 2010: Analysis

Huffington Post by Posted: 07/17/2012 4:21 pm Updated: 07/17/2012 4:21 pm
The six heirs to the Walmart fortune are worth as much as nearly half of all American households.
The Walton family was worth $89.5 billion in 2010, the same as the bottom 41.5 percent of U.S. families combined, according to Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute. That's 48.8 million American households in total.

What if the Waltons spent their $150M per year on programs for poor kids that were actually research based and effective, like early education and making sure that they are reading on grade level by third grade?

Follow the Money:

WALMART 2011: Save More, Live Better, Eradicate Public Education: 159,049,864 reasons to shop someplace else.

List of K-12 Education Reform and other education grants given by The Walton Family Foundation in 2011. Total:  $159,049,864

Today the Walton Family Foundation announced investments totaling more than $159 million in education reform initiatives for 2011 – the largest single-year investment in education reform. Grants were made to organizations and programs that empower parents, particularly in low-income communities, to choose among quality, publicly funded schools for their children

Posted at 09:17 PM ET, 03/07/2012

Who won millions in Walton Foundation grants in 2011

Washington Post Answer Sheet Blog By Valerie Strauss
The pro-charter Walton Foundation handed out more than $159 million in 2011 in 16 metropolitan areas around the country to promote school choice. It also committed to giving $49.5 million to Teach for America over five years to double its teaching corps and $25.5 million over the same period to the KIPP charter school network to double the number of students it educates.
The foundation’s strategy is clear from the grants: It is funding organizations that it thinks can help scale charter schools quickly and rapidly increase the pool of voucher students.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Follow the Money: WALMART 2010: Save More, Live Better, Eradicate Public Education: 157,220,283 reasons to shop someplace else.

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