
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

PA HR 800: A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study to evaluate the delivery of services by charter schools, including cyber charter schools, in this Commonwealth and track the use of funds received from the Commonwealth.

A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study to evaluate the delivery of services by charter schools, including cyber charter schools, in this Commonwealth and track the use of funds received from the Commonwealth.
Referred to RULES COMMITTEE, July 2, 2012



Directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study to evaluate the delivery of services by charter schools, including cyber charter schools, in this Commonwealth and track the use of funds received from the Commonwealth.

WHEREAS, Annually, the Commonwealth provides millions of taxpayer dollars to fund private nonprofit and for-profit entities to establish and maintain charter schools that operate independently from the existing public school district structure; and

WHEREAS, The purpose of these charter schools is to, among other things, improve student learning, increase learning opportunities for all students, create new professional opportunities for teachers and provide parents and students with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system; and

WHEREAS, There has been no accountability by these entities regarding the use of the funds received from the Commonwealth; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives direct the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study to evaluate the delivery of services by charter schools, including cyber charter schools, in this Commonwealth and track the use of funds received from the Commonwealth; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee, in consultation and cooperation with the Department of Education, collect and compile information regarding the expenditures by each individual or entity that owns and/or operates a charter school, including a cyber charter school, receiving Commonwealth funds, including the compensation of executives and the 20 highest paid employees, association dues, debts, assets, lobbying expenses, administrative expenses, operating costs and the indirect and direct costs of delivering services in this Commonwealth; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee prepare a report regarding the expenditures of each individual or entity that owns and/or operates a charter school, including a cyber charter school, and other information the committee deems relevant; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the report shall include recommendations to address the efficiency and quality of services provided by charter schools, including cyber charter schools, in this Commonwealth and to address the accountability of expenditure of funds; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the report shall be submitted to the Majority and Minority Chairs of the Education Committee and the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives by April 1, 2013.

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