
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PA Voucher Machinations December 6th, 2011

Here's a recap of what went on in Harrisburg yesterday regarding vouchers.

If the concern is school safety why aren’t we talking about a safe schools bill?  Any voucher plan will simply take funds away from our most impoverished schools, leaving them with fewer dollars for things like counselors, social workers and safety officers.  So I guess it’s “let’s save a handful” and the hell with the over 90% left behind in a school with fewer resources. BTW, there have been no hearings held or legislation introduced this year that would focus on safe schools.

Voucher Backers: "Let's Save Those Who Can Be Saved."

Allentown Morning Call Capitol Ideas Blog by John Micek December 6th, 2011
With Just Days Remaining ...before lawmakers head home for the holidays, school-choice backers ratcheted up their rhetoric this morning, charging that the safety of students in the state's worst-performing schools was at-risk and could only be improved by ... passing vouchers.


Way, Way More On Vouchers Than You Need To Know Today.

Allentown Morning Call Capitol Ideas Blog by John Micek, December 6th 2011
But Since This Story ... was gonna run in The Big Paper, but just got killed, here it is anyway:
HARRISBURG _ With just days remaining to them, Gov. Tom Corbett and Republicans who control the state House are trying to put together a compromise school-choice package that can make it through both legislative chambers and onto the governor’s desk by Christmas.


Pilot program?  Save our money.

They’ve had one in Milwaukee for over 20 years and it has not shown that voucher students’ performance on state assessments is any better than their public school peers.

House discusses voucher bill, Piccola says sunset provision unacceptable

Education reform measures moving towards final days of the year
By Eric Boehm | PA Independent, December 6, 2011
HARRISBURG — Proponents of public education reform are continuing to push a series of proposals to make teachers more accountable and to give parents a great degree of choice in where their children attend school.


House, Senate consider education reforms as session clock winds down

Top senator says sunset provisions on vouchers unacceptable
By Eric Boehm | PA Independent December 6, 2011
HARRISBURG — Reforms intended to improve Pennsylvania’s taxpayer-funded public school system by giving more educational options to low- and middle-income families and holding teachers more accountable may not be resolved until next year.


Pennsylvania lawmakers consider five-year 'window' for school choice bill

By Brad Bumsted, TRIBUNE-REVIEW, Tuesday, December 6, 2011, Last updated: 1:11 pm
Ways to get us— Leaders of a push for school choice in the state House said today they're willing to consider a provision to let the program expire on a set date so the Legislature then can re-evaluate it.

Read more: Pennsylvania lawmakers consider five-year 'window' for school choice bill - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


School choice advocates lobby Legislature to support bill
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
By Laura Olson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
HARRISBURG -- Comparing some poorly performing Pennsylvania schools to "combat zones," school choice advocates this morning added another argument to their battle cry.
Armed with bouquets of white roses -- assembled to represent what they say are incidents of violence in the state's 143 lowest-performing schools every 17 minutes -- lawmakers and supporters urged that pending legislation to allow those students to attend alternative institutions be passed before the end of the year.

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