
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Vouchers – They’re baaaack…… If you value your local public schools here are three opportunities for public education advocacy

Vouchers – They’re baaaack……
If you value your local public schools here are three opportunities for public education advocacy:

1. If you are a mid-stater go see the Governor in York Tuesday morning
Gov. Corbett is expected to announce a revised voucher, charter school and EITC proposal at a press conference scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday October 11th in York at the Lincoln-Edison Charter School at 559 W. King St. York.
If you can spare a little time, gather some friends and head over there at 9:30 am to respectfully let him know that we should not abandon our public schools.

2. Send an email and make a call this week
From Education Voters of Pennsylvania October 6, 2011:
Take action NOW!  Send an email and make a CALL to your legislators.
The state legislature is at it again.  Recent reports indicate that voucher legislation may be back this fall.  It was a bad idea in the spring, and it hasn't gotten any better since then.
Though the strategy might be different, the effects that vouchers will have on our local schools will not.  The voucher bills being circulated in the state legislature could take over $1 billion annually from public school funding.  This will no doubt force higher local property taxes and program cuts, in addition to the school cuts that communities have had to bear due to the historic cut to education funding in the last state budget. 
Send an email to your legislator telling them that Pennsylvania CANNOT AFFORD the implementation of an expensive program that has no evidence of successfully increasing student achievement.  Tell them to support Pennsylvania students by supporting PUBLIC EDUCATION and an opportunity to learn for all students!

3. Sign a petition online right now
Keystone Progress Mounts Petition Campaign On Corbett School Reform Plan.
Allentown Morning Call Capitol Ideas Blog by John Micek, October 6, 2011
Yes, We Know That Gov. Tom Corbett hasn't technically told us what his formal school reform plan is, and probably won't do that until next week at the earliest, but we hate to interrupt someone when they're in a state of high dudgeon.
Nonetheless, it is clear that Keystone Progress and others critics and observers already have a pretty clear idea of what Da Guv, based on past precedent, is likely to propose.
Readers of the e-mail are invited to follow this here link here, which takes readers to the petition in question.

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