
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School

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In Honor of Teachers

By CHARLES M. BLOW, Published: September 2, 2011
Since it's back-to-school season across the country, I wanted to celebrate a group that is often maligned: teachers. Like so many others, it was a teacher who changed the direction of my life, and to whom I'm forever indebted.

A Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll released this week found that 76 percent of Americans believed that high-achieving high school students should later be recruited to become teachers, and 67 percent of respondents said that they would like to have a child of their own take up teaching in the public schools as a career.


National standards won't help, won't work

Washington Post By Jay Mathews, Published: September 4

Despite my many bets to the contrary, the movement for national learning standards still lives. More than 40 states (including Maryland, but not Virginia) plus the District have enlisted. They are executing plans for instruction in all grades and, eventually, common assessments in math and English language arts.
It sounds great. But it won't help and won't work. Such specific standards stifle creativity and conflict with a two-century American preference for local decision-making about schools.


Philadelphia Inquirer PhillyDeal$ Blog Posted by Joseph N. DiStefano
The Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Pension Fund (PSERS) earned 20% returns on its real estate portfolio in the year ended June 30, for the first annual profit on its $10 billion in property investments since 2007, Alan Van Noord, chief investment officer of the $50 billion fund, said today

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Troubled Schools Try Mimicking the Charters

New York Times By SAM DILLON, Published: September 6, 2011

In the first experiment of its kind in the country, the Houston public schools are testing whether techniques proven successful in high-performing urban charters can also help raise achievement in regular public schools.



Charles Zogby was nominated by Governor Tom Corbett to be Secretary of the Budget on January 18, 2011.  The Secretary of the Budget is responsible for the preparation of the Governor's budget and for its implementation after legislative enactment. He is also responsible for maintaining the commonwealth's accounting, payroll, debt issuance and financial reporting systems and programs.  Prior to his nomination, Zogby served as the Senior Vice President of Education and Policy for K12 Inc, an online school curriculum developer and provider.  Before that, Zogby served the commonwealth as the Secretary of Education under Governors Ridge and Schweiker from 2001 to 2003, and as the Director of Governor Ridge's Policy Office from 1995 to 2001.


An Interview with Charles Zogby: About Privatization

Education News March 2008


In Pennsylvania, most teachers rejected Gov. Corbett's urging of pay freezes in face of budget cuts

Published: Monday, September 05, 2011, 8:13
If you have a child in one of the midstate's public schools, there's a good chance your kid's teacher isn't getting a pay raise this year.  Statewide, that isn't the case.

PSBA's List: Pa. schools adopting a wage freeze

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