
Monday, July 25, 2011

Follow the Money: WALMART Save More, Live Better, Eradicate Public Education 157,220,283 reasons to shop someplace else.

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Follow the Money: WALMART

Save More, Live Better, Eradicate Public Education

157,220,283 reasons to shop someplace else.

Subsidy cuts fill jobless rolls with former school employees
Debra Erdley, PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW, Monday, July 25, 2011
Pennsylvania public school employees are hitting the unemployment line in unprecedented numbers this summer.
Nearly 4,000 teachers and about 1,700 school support workers across Pennsylvania received furloughs recently in the wake of a $900 million reduction in state and federal school subsidies, according to spokesmen for The Pennsylvania State Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers affiliates in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Complex Thinking is not Tested and Won't be Taught

 Anthony Cody   
Marion Brady offers us some words to chew over this morning:
Kids can't be taught to think better using tests that can't measure how well they think.
The logic should be obvious. What gets tested gets taught. Complex thinking skills -- skills essential to survival--can't be tested, so they don't get taught. That failure doesn't simply rise to the level of a problem. It's unethical.
This is the reason so many of us are so fed up that we will take our own money and time to go to Washington, DC, next week to protest.

The Wall Street Journal WEEKEND INTERVIEW JULY 23, 2011

Bill Gates Interview - Was the $5 Billion Worth It?

A decade into his record-breaking education philanthropy, Bill Gates talks teachers, charters—and regrets

Parkland looks to form foundation

Nonprofit group would raise private money for district.

8:47 p.m. EDT, July 22, 2011
Parkland School District is working with community members to form an education foundation to raise private money to fund district programs and projects.

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