
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

PTRIB: Corbett wants to grade schools, pay teachers on merit basis/ Longtime educators' salaries garnering increasing attention

Corbett wants to grade schools, pay teachers on merit basis

By Amy Crawford


When Gov. Tom Corbett released his budget proposal, no one was surprised that it rolled back government spending. And with education making up a third of the state budget, it made sense that public schools and colleges would take a hit
Read more: Corbett wants to grade schools, pay teachers on merit basis - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Longtime educators' salaries garnering increasing attention

By Adam Brandolph
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Teachers throughout Western Pennsylvania have learned a very lucrative lesson: Longevity pays well.
At many school districts in the region, a huge pay increase — often called a "bump" — kicks in after more than a dozen years. Thus, teachers can approach $100,000 salaries just by showing up to work for 15 years or so
Read more: Longtime educators' salaries garnering increasing attention - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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