
Friday, December 31, 2010

Transition OP/EDs from the Post Gazette, York Dispatch and Patriot News; Blueprint/Recommendations from Florida Governor-elect Scott's Education Transition team


Transition OP/EDs from the Post Gazette, York Dispatch and Patriot News
Blueprint/Recommendations from Florida Governor-elect Scott’s Education Transition team

Op/ed Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dr. Bart Rocco: Where are the educators?
Corbett's transition team doesn't include all of the stakeholders

York Dispatch 12/30/10

EDITORIAL: A reward in itself

He hasn't even taken the oath of office yet, and already Tom Corbett is making us nervous.
The governor-elect has stacked his transition team with campaign donors -- lobbyists and industry leaders who, together with their companies, co-workers and political action committees, contributed 19 percent of the $24 million Corbett spent to get elected.

Global warning: A mandate for all -- education must improve
Published: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 5:20 AM
A global report card was issued recently and U.S. students didn’t come close to making the honor roll.

Education Week’s State EdWatch Blog

December 28, 2010

Rick Scott's Plan for Florida: Choice, Charters, Early College and More

Florida school districts would be given a lot more power to hire and fire teachers, and parents would be given access to a lot more taxpayer money to pay for private schools, if the proposals put forward by advisers to governor-in-waiting Rick Scott become reality. 

Take a look at the recommendations made by Florida Governor-elect Scott’s Education Transition team:
The newly elected Republican's education transition team recently released its recommendations for school policy, which are chocked full of far-reaching proposals.

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