
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

There's no 'Superman,' but there are school heroes/Cybers not making AYP/Some former PA lawmakers are set to collect generous retirement packages/School Heroes

Detroit Free Press 12/14
There's no ‘Superman,’ but there are school heroes
Earl C. Rickman III is the president of the National School Boards Association and president of the Board of Education of Mount Clemens Community School District.
Everywhere I go these days, people ask if I have seen “Waiting for Superman,” the documentary that chronicles five families who have entered lotteries to seek admission to charter schools.

Got the following link through the Education Law Center’s PA SchoolTalk website a good place to visit and sign-up if you have not already been there.
Most cyber schools not making AYP 9 of 10 used by local students failing; 'supers' question accountability
Shamokin News-Item 12/19
Just one of 10 cyber schools met the state's Adequate Yearly Progress requirements, which frustrates local school district administrators, who already are not happy with the funding formula nor the accountability standards for those web-based institutions.

Some former Pennsylvania lawmakers are set to collect generous retirement packages
Published: Tuesday, December 21, 2010, 12:00 AM

Speaking of school heroes and generous benefits (no salaries, no benefits, no pensions), special year-end thanks to those school board members who have served as officers at PSBA this year:
Roberta M. Marcus, Parkland SD
Marianne L. Neel, West Jefferson Hills SD
First Vice President
Robert Lumley-Sapanski, Bellefonte Area SD
Second Vice President
Marcela Diaz Myers, Lower Dauphin SD
Past President
Frederick E. Botterbusch II, Dallastown Area SD

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